The Daily Life

The Daily Life of Woody Bush

By Jackie Lestrade

      Woody Bush resides at the Lestrade/Holmes residence. His room is the dishwasher. His life revolves around cleaning, especially the dishes. He’s passionate about making the dishes sparkle with cleanliness.

     Woody awakens at 6:30am to clean any dishes that may have been used for a midnight snack. He carries on a polite and friendly conversation with whoever is cooking later that morning. After breakfast is over, he washes the dishes again.

     While keeping up with the dishes that may have been used for a snack, Woody spends some quality time with his close friend and housemate, Chang. Chang lives in the fridge next to Woody’s dishwasher. He keeps the takeout safe, and often forces people to eat it.

     Woody also makes polite and friendly conversation with whomever is cooking lunch. After doing the lunch dishes, again, Woody emerges from the dishwasher to clean the house. His friends and family look in approvingly as he works diligently, making the house shine.

     At dinner time, Woody, again, has a polite and friendly conversation with whomever is cooking. He even helps out with the preparing of food. When the food is ready, the whole family (and whatever guests they may have) sit at the table together. Woody and Chang enjoy the family time and camaraderie of sitting at the table with the rest of the family.

After dinner, it’s back in the dishwasher for Woody. And after the dinner dishes are done, Woody rests. It’s been a long day, full of cleaning and talking to family. Most people would say living like that would be terrible, but Woody says that living in this dishwasher is the best thing that’s ever happened to him.